Pad Krapow Moo Saap, also known simply as Pad Krapow, is a popular Thai stir-fried dish featuring ground pork (Moo Saap) seasoned with holy basil (Krapow) and other flavorful ingredients. The dish is known for its bold and aromatic flavors, including the distinctive taste of Thai holy basil.
Here's a basic recipe for Pad Krapow Moo Saap:
Heat the Wok or Pan:
Stir-Fry Garlic and Chili Peppers:
Add Ground Pork:
Season with Sauces and Sugar:
Add Holy Basil:
Adjust Seasoning:
Garnish (Optional):
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine
Regional cuisine